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Luke began his dance career in Malta, participating in various projects such as ZfinMalta Dance Company and Moveo Dance Company, while continuing his training. He then furthered his dance education in Italy, and was later accepted into the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and selected as an intern with JV2 (Jasmin Vardimon). Luke has worked with numerous choreographers such as Ihsan Rustem, Mohammed Kaltuk, Dunja Jocic, David Arias, Vinicius Salles, among others. He has participated in workshops with Akram Khan Dance Company at Sadlers Wells, Kerry Nicholls, Alleyne Dance in the UK, and the Kibbutz Dance Company in Israel. He has also danced with Zugraga Dance Company and choreographers Oded Ronen, Gil Kerer, and Zoe Camillieri.
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